Create a ‘Bar Mitzvah’ for Black and Brown Boys

Create a ‘Bar Mitzvah’ for Black and Brown Boys

Although I spend most of the year on the road, I am startled by how many local news stations portray Black and Brown Boys. The headlines all read the same: shootings and murders of young Black and Brown boys by young Black and Brown boys. When I pay attention to news...
Invest in YOU in 2017

Invest in YOU in 2017

How often have you found yourself thinking or saying the following? “I wish I had more time for myself.” “I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.” “I need more hours in the day.” “I don’t have time for that.” We lead crazy, busy lives. And the one thing we...
Traveling Exhibition – Hateful Things Gallery

Traveling Exhibition – Hateful Things Gallery

Discussion led by Dr. LaMarr D. Shields, “Hateful Things” is a 39-piece traveling exhibition created and circulated by the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at the Ferris (MI) State University. It represents nearly 150 years of anti-black/racist material. The...