Latest NewsFollow along for updates from where my passions are taking me.
Meditation, not Medication
An increasing number of children have been showing elevated signs of stress, restlessness, and anxiety starting at a very early age. I know meditation is a...
Create a ‘Bar Mitzvah’ for Black and Brown Boys
Although I spend most of the year on the road, I am startled by how many local news stations portray Black and Brown Boys. The headlines all read the same:...
Invest in YOU in 2017
How often have you found yourself thinking or saying the following? “I wish I had more time for myself.” “I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.” “I...
Fatherhood Retreat @ Henry Booth House (Chicago, IL)
Henry Booth House affectionately known as HBH, is a 501c3, Greater Chicago nonprofit community-based social services agency will host Dr. LaMarr D. Shields...
New podcast from 2016 Fellow LaMarr Shields focuses on social activism
Click on the link below to read about Dr. Shields' new podcast:...
Congrats to Dr. LaMarr D. Shields. He is now a 2016 Open Society Institute (OSI) Fellow
Every year the Open Society Institute-Baltimore surveys the field of innovative, proactive residents in our city who are trying to improve the community with...